
Showing posts from December, 2013


HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! When I look back a year ago I must say that I AM in a better place and I hope you are too! Unfortunately that 1st $$$ MILLION $$$ remains elusive but on the bright side, I DID manage to accomplish what I set out to do at the beginning of the year AND some. For starters I successfully got out of a pretty TERRi ble relationship relatively unscathed. True I had to go on a 3 week "couch tour" while my ex had complete reign over my place. And yeah on the eve of our 6 month breakup my car window mysteriously got smashed. But like Mike said, "She's out of my life and I don't know whether to laugh or cry"  :-? (And yeah it still cuts like a knife) But you have to understand, there was no way in the world I would have accomplished my goals fucking with that crazy bitch. Sorry but there's no other way to put it. She would get high on crystal and start accusing me of chatting with hookers on MySpace, just to have something to tr

HAFF OFF: Commercial or INSANE?

The majority of "rapper's" or "MC's" that I have met think my beats are "cool" but they can't or don't want to rap over them, which I can respect that. I used to take it personal but I've been doing this for years! Even back when I first started making beats in Buffalo (back in like 86ish?) I came in contact with a lot of rappers because I was DJing and only a small percentage of them "felt" my tracks and wanted to flow to them. We made some dope songs (imo): D-ICE - "The Sound of My Gun", Marty T - "Mackin Harder", and Kid Debonair - "Ass Kickins Are FREE"! (I have the instrumentals to those tracks on SoundCloud, if you're interested HMU) So basically I stopped trying to make beats for rappers a LONG time ago and just decided to do what I DO! I like to experiment mainly... There are SOOOOO many sounds, samples, genres... I mean just SO MUCH S**T you can do these days on a pure "beat ma

What is the TRUTH?

     The truth is that the title "Beat Around the Bush" has another connotation all together and that's REALLY what this track is about. Pleasuring a woman. If you listen closely the melody has sort of an undulating, rotating, or gyrating effect with a slow build up, there are steady, deep thrust kicks, and ass-slapping snares. Beat around the bush... LOL! Hey you wanted to know the TRUTH. Then at some point I also realized the POLITICAL implications of that phrase and decided to run with that instead. Seriously though, is the TRUTH ever going to come out about 9/11? The fact is that there is so much evidence suggesting 9/11 was an inside job and not only has nothing been done about it, most people either can't conceive that our government would do such a thing or are completely apathetic and couldn't care less... All of which leaves me very disheartened. I would like to think that justice will eventually prevail and the TRUTH will be revealed in time but wh


    Anybody that has any connections to Hip-Hop has been "in" a "CYPHER" before. You may not have participated, but at least ONCE in your life you must have happened across a crowd of people in a circle... You wonder if it's a fight because they're yelling, "oooo" and there's a lot of excitement! You get closer and somebody's beatboxing and somebody else is coming off the top with some lyrics that make you go, "is he making that up as he goes along?" and you realize "F**K yeah!" becuz he's rhyming about what this other guy is wearing and dissing his mom or whatever. Bystanders are heckling but the dude he's talking about is just smiling, bobbing his head, and waiting... Now when HE gets the "mic" his retaliation is BRUTAL! One liners, punch lines, cliches; one after another... for like 10 minutes straight! (If you've never seen it happen LIVE you can always see a PERFECT example of what I'm ta

Split PERSONalites?

One of these days I'll get around to explaining my VARIOUS "D.J. Personalities..." (Hey didn't we JUST talk about motivation??? lol) For now I'll just put it this way... ALL 115 tracks that are on the SAVAGE BEAST RECORDS label were created, produced, arranged; whatever you wanna call it; by ME, so DON'T GET IT TWISTED! XRAYi and Frenxxy AKA ME aight?! PEACE Go To for FREE BEATS and MORE!


Newt Gingrich said it best, "Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did"! For me the hardest part is starting a task. I will admit that it is hard for me to get #MOTIVATED but once I get that momentum going I don't want to stop! Make it an AWESOME day y'all! PEACE Go To for FREE BEATS and MORE!

One of a few...

My biggest challenge has been web design and graphics art. I waited around for YEARS, hoping SOMEBODY would help me out but I guess if you want something right you have to do it yourself! Just kidding. Actually it's my fault because I was never very specific as to what I wanted and when people showed me designs I was like that's cool but not exactly what I had in mind. So I just started making my own designs! I know they're kinda cheesy but I have fun making them and they turn out kinda like how I want 'em lol... This is just one of a few covers I made recently and it actually turned out to be one of my favorites! The beat contains a Prince sample which I'm almost willing to start a contest to see who can guess what song it is... We'll see! PEACE Y'ALL... Go To for FREE BEATS and MORE!

Ride To Death...

This song contains my all time favorite one-liner in Hip-Hop (and that's saying something) and it's by a very dear friend of mine Shawn "KABAL" Prioleau. It goes: "We've all got it coming, we just don't know when". Very profound indeed but it's not just what he said, it's THE WAY he said it. One day I'll get him off of his ass and make him put his album, "The Road Less Traveled" on SoundCloud or something. Anyways, the beat to this is EPIC in terms of the length and also the "vibe" but with people's attention spans these days, good luck with getting a full play right? I love beats though so I'm good with it... PEACE Y'ALL! Go to for FREE BEATS and more!

It was all a dream!

A high school dream #realized; Savage Beast Records has been providing instrumental goodness since the start of the millennium! From Buffalo to San Diego, we are the definition of coast to coast.  Go to for FREE BEATS and more!