HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! When I look back a year ago I must say that I AM in a better place and I hope you are too! Unfortunately that 1st $$$ MILLION $$$ remains elusive but on the bright side, I DID manage to accomplish what I set out to do at the beginning of the year AND some. For starters I successfully got out of a pretty TERRi ble relationship relatively unscathed. True I had to go on a 3 week "couch tour" while my ex had complete reign over my place. And yeah on the eve of our 6 month breakup my car window mysteriously got smashed. But like Mike said, "She's out of my life and I don't know whether to laugh or cry" :-? (And yeah it still cuts like a knife) But you have to understand, there was no way in the world I would have accomplished my goals fucking with that crazy bitch. Sorry but there's no other way to put it. She would get high on crystal and start accusing me of chatting with hookers on MySpace, just to have something to tr...